Bio3400 Chapter 5 Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
  1. Genes         independently if they are on different chromosomes but show          if they are on the same chromosome.

  2. Genes on the same chromosome would produce              gametes if            between nonsister chromatids occurs during meiosis.

  3. Genes located        to each other on the same chromosome are less likely to have cross-over events occur between them.

  4. The                frequencies between linked genes provide an estimate of the           between them (interlocus distance) and can be used to construct a chromosome      .

  5. The percentage of          involved in an exchange between two genes is        the percentage of recombinant gametes produced.

  6. A         crossover (SCO) alters linkage between two genes only if the crossover occurs          those two genes.

  7.         crossovers (DCOs) can be used to determine the order of        genes on the chromosome.

  8. The              mapping technique can be used to map three         genes in one cross by two methods.

  9. As the distance between linked genes increases, the mapping accuracy            due to undetected multiple crossovers that can be predicted by a          distribution.

  10. The large numbers of mutants in             has allowed extensive chromosome mapping in this and other organisms such as maize and mice.
  11. Mapping in maize using              markers established that crossing over involves a           exchange of chromosome regions.

  12. In Drosophila, homologs can pair up during          , allowing mitotic recombination to take place.

  13. Agents that induce chromosome         increase the frequency of sister            exchange (SCE) during          but do not produce recombination.

  14. In Neurospora, meiosis produces eight ordered haploid             within an        , allowing ordered         analysis.

  15. Somatic cell                can be used for          testing in which a specific gene product can be correlated with a chromosome.