Bio3400 Chapter 10 DNA Structure and Analysis
  1. The model for genetic expression is summarized in the central        of molecular genetics: genetic information flows from      to      to           .

  2. The building blocks of nucleic acids are              , which consist of a              base, a          sugar, and a            group.

    • The              bases can be          or              .

    • A nitrogenous base and a          sugar make up a             .

    • A nucleoside and a phosphate group make up a             .

  3. A nucleotide is also called a nucleoside                . Adding one or two phosphate groups results in nucleoside               and                , respectively.

  4. Nucleotides are linked by a                 bond between the phosphate group at the     position and the OH group on the     position.

  5. Two strands of DNA polynucleotides form a         helix, which are               to each other.

  6. Most RNA is         stranded and synthesized from a complementary strand of      .

  7. Nucleic acids can be separated and analyzed by sedimentation              centrifugation and sedimentation           centrifugation.

  8. DNA base composition can also be estimated by measuring               shift during DNA               .

  9. Denatured and other single-stranded nucleic acids can be            by cooling. This allows for molecular                of nucleic acids from different sources.

  10. Fluorescent in situ                ( FISH ) can be used to identify the chromosomal location of a DNA segment.

  11.                kinetics show the size and complexity of genomic DNA.

  12. Nucleic acid fragments can be separated by gel                  .