Errata in George Johnson, The Living World
  1. Figure 2.1: The text discusses centrioles, but these are not shown in the figure.
  2. Figure 2.12: the caption mentions mitosis, but the diagram does not show where it happens in the cycle.
  3. Figure 3.14: "Either I-3 or I-4 must be heterozygous" -> "Both I-3 and I-4 must be heterozygous ". Also "Dominant traits seldom skip generations" -> "Dominant traits do not skip generations".
  4. Figure 4.2: the diagram shows a "FUT1" allele (should be gene), but the caption describes this as the "H" allele.
  5. Figure 4.12: The F1 "white male" should have a "w", not "W", allele.
  6. Chap 5 testbank question #6: "The phenomenon in which one crossover increases" -> "The phenomenon in which one crossover inhibits".
  7. Chap 7 Chapter Quiz question #2: "The sporophyte stage in plants is diploid and produces the male and/or female gametes". Gametes are produced in the gametophyte stage.
  8. Chap 8, p. 187: "we discussed the use of somatic cell hybridization to map human genes. (See Chapter 6.)". This was discussed in Chapter 5 (p. 126), not Chapter 6.
  9. Table 8.2: The N+/N locations are reversed in the bottom 2 cases.
  10. Chap 9, p. 216: the poky phenotype in Neurospora crassa is "maternally inherited". Neurospora is a fungus and has no "maternal" parent.
  11. Figure 9.6 and Figure 9.7 show that DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to those of bacteria, but bacterial DNA have not been shown so far.
  12. Chap 9, p. 224: "dominant gene A" -> "dominant allele A". This error, and a similar error for "recessive gene", occurs several times in other chapters.
  13. Chap 9 Chapter Quiz question #9: "Which of the following crosses could produce a left-hand coiled shell heterozygote in the snail Limnaea peregra, if the gene D, which codes for right-hand coiled shells, is dominant to the gene d, which codes for left-hand coiled shells?" The answer "Left-hand coiled DD egg × left-hand coiled dd sperm" is incorrect. The egg's genotype DD should yield right-handed offspring.
  14. Chap 9 Chapter Quiz question #10: "Which of the following crosses could produce a right-hand coiled shell heterozygote in the snail Limnaea peregra, if the gene D, which codes for right-hand coiled shells, is dominant to the gene d, which codes for left-hand coiled shells?" The answer "Right-hand coiled Dd egg × right-hand coiled Dd sperm" is not as good as 'Left-hand coiled DD egg × left-hand coiled dd sperm".
  15. Figure 10.8: the bottom photo is mis-labeld as "Infected tobacco leaf". Should be "electron micrograph of mature TMV viruses".
  16. Chap 10 Chapter Quiz question #12: Cot1/2 should be C0t1/2 (the subscript should be the digit 0, not lower case o).
  17. Chap 11, p. 275: "Drosophila has 100 times as much [DNA] as E. coli", but on 276: "Drosophila, with 40 times more DNA".
  18. Figure 13.2: the last codon in the bottom diagram for an insertion mutation should be "GAG", not "AGG".
  19. Table 13.6: The E. coli RNA base composition does not add up to 100%?
  20. Figure 22.4: "lac Z/Insulin" -> "β-galactosidase/Insulin".
  21. Table 25.2: "Δ32/32" -> "Δ32/Δ32".
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