Errata in George Johnson, The Living World
- Figure 2.1:
The text discusses centrioles, but these are not shown in the figure.
- Figure 2.12:
the caption mentions mitosis, but the diagram does not show where it happens in the cycle.
- Figure 3.14:
"Either I-3 or I-4 must be heterozygous" -> "Both I-3 and I-4 must be
". Also "Dominant traits seldom skip generations" -> "Dominant traits do not skip generations".
- Figure 4.2:
the diagram shows a "FUT1" allele (should be gene), but the caption describes this as the "H" allele.
- Figure 4.12:
The F1 "white male" should have a "w", not "W", allele.
- Chap 5 testbank question #6: "The phenomenon in which one crossover increases" -> "The phenomenon in which one crossover inhibits".
- Chap 7 Chapter Quiz question #2: "The sporophyte stage in plants is diploid and produces the male and/or female gametes".
Gametes are produced in the gametophyte stage.
- Chap 8, p. 187: "we discussed the use of somatic cell hybridization to map human genes. (See Chapter 6.)".
This was discussed in Chapter 5 (p. 126), not Chapter 6.
- Table 8.2:
The N+/N locations are reversed in the bottom 2 cases.
- Chap 9, p. 216: the poky phenotype in Neurospora crassa is "maternally inherited".
Neurospora is a fungus and has no "maternal" parent.
- Figure 9.6
and Figure 9.7
show that DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to those of bacteria, but bacterial DNA have not been shown so far.
- Chap 9, p. 224: "dominant gene A" -> "dominant allele A". This error, and a similar error for "recessive gene", occurs
several times in other chapters.
- Chap 9 Chapter Quiz question #9:
"Which of the following crosses could produce a left-hand coiled shell heterozygote in the snail Limnaea peregra, if the gene D, which codes for right-hand coiled shells, is dominant to the gene d, which codes for left-hand coiled shells?"
The answer "Left-hand coiled DD egg × left-hand coiled dd sperm" is incorrect. The egg's genotype DD should yield right-handed offspring.
- Chap 9 Chapter Quiz question #10:
"Which of the following crosses could produce a right-hand coiled shell heterozygote in the snail Limnaea peregra, if the gene D, which codes for right-hand coiled shells, is dominant to the gene d, which codes for left-hand coiled shells?"
The answer
"Right-hand coiled Dd egg × right-hand coiled Dd sperm" is not as good as
'Left-hand coiled DD egg × left-hand coiled dd sperm".
- Figure 10.8:
the bottom photo is mis-labeld as "Infected tobacco leaf". Should be "electron micrograph of mature TMV viruses".
- Chap 10 Chapter Quiz question #12: Cot1/2 should be C0t1/2
(the subscript should be the digit 0, not lower case o).
- Chap 11, p. 275: "Drosophila has 100 times as much [DNA] as E. coli",
but on 276: "Drosophila, with 40 times more DNA".
- Figure 13.2:
the last codon in the bottom diagram for an insertion mutation should be "GAG", not "AGG".
- Table 13.6:
The E. coli RNA base composition does not add up to 100%?
- Figure 22.4:
"lac Z/Insulin" -> "β-galactosidase/Insulin".
- Table 25.2:
"Δ32/32" -> "Δ32/Δ32".